Saturday, May 10, 2014


I am weary of the old fundamentalist harangues against churches and lethargic Christians. There are better ways of discipling people than that. Blasting churches for their methodology or style and criticizing other believers for who knows what, and doing it in a public forum like Facebook is a sad attempt at evangelism or sanctification. It conveys judgementalism and silo thinking. It suggests an air of perfection unknown by everyone else but the spokespersons.

In an era of secularism such as ours is, when skepticism is normative, it is essential that believers in Christ become polite and thoughtful apologists. No, not that they apologize, but rather they engage people in careful assessment of evidence that points to Jesus Christ as creator and redeemer and in the process dethrones the philosophies of those who are antagonistic to biblical faith and replaces that with the timeless truth about Christ. Christian apologetics makes a case for authentic Christianity, defending Scripture, and presenting both scientific and historic apologetical proof which when empowered by God himself, persuades people.

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