Monday, March 23, 2015



Past flight and worry, he's been caught.
His ankles chained, unable to walk.
Waiting, condemned, his time soon comes.
He'll die today when come the drums.
Escorted swiftly to his cross,
Impaled in agony, all is lost.
He can't get down, he can't atone.
Never can he go back home.
Endures for hours and then hears Jesus
Speak the words with power to free us.
"Remember me," to Christ he cries,
Love's alive in Messiah's eyes.
True faith the Lord can recognize
"You will be with me in paradise."
A promise from the one beside,
About whom he'll say, "for me he died."
Death is no master, no need to fear it,
"Into your hands I commit my spirit."

© Ron Unruh, March 2015