Thursday, May 14, 2015


"From zealous advocate to reluctant attendee to deliberate absentee."

Someone other than me threaded these descriptors to illustrate the evolution of the unaffiliated Christian. In a series of prior posts I have tested terms like 'de-churched' and 're-churched' to describe the believer voluntarily disassociated from the local church. The expression tracks the emotional and convictional movement of a person who has been enthusiastically involved in local church ministries and over time for reasons irrelevant to this comment, begins to attend sporadically, declines service opportunities, reduces the tithe/offering in order to support ministries outside the church. Then one day, after consideration, this person stays away from church, never to return.

A point that some of my readers make, is that community/family/body of Christ and a consequent accountability is essential to the corporate entity that we have together become as new creations. We are all called to holiness. One of the ways by which this transformation predictably occurs is by being transparent and answerable within a localized gathering of other believers, some of whom are approved to shepherd and care for us. The concern in part may be that the unaffiliated Christian without this mutual accountability may spiritually depreciate.

The concern is valid. What will the unaffiliated Christian do to remain a zealous promoter of the gospel, filled with the Spirit, pure, godly. Can this health status be maintained unaccompanied? Why don't you tell me. A married couple can cheer lead one another. Even they do better in the company of other Christians. Some readers say this is the way God intended for his church to function in the world to emit light and to flavour companions. I suppose that is church.

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