Thursday, November 12, 2015


Is a promise that was made to someone in OT times, also applicable to someone else today? No? Maybe? Yes? Asked another way, can Christians today claim OT promises that were made to other individuals or groups?
This may help to answer that. Realtors say there are three factors that determine the marketability of a property, "location, location, location." When it comes to hermeneutics, which is the art and science of biblical interpretation, the top three words are "context, context, context."

Unless we understand the context of an OT promise before lifting it into our contemporary life situations, we may force a meaning upon the words, which the Holy Spirit never intended to say through the original author.  Once we do understand that one correct interpretation, then we must ascertain whether there is a range of application that reaches all the way to us. It certainly can. If within the promise of God to an original audience, there is an integral communication about God's character, which does not change, and His actions toward people in accordance with their relationships to Him, then the promise is broadly applicable.  

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