Saturday, September 28, 2013


Yes, No, Maybe are words reflective of viewpoints on the spectrum of belief and unbelief. If the spectrum is pictured as a linear indicator, then 'Yes' is dogmatic faith at one end, with 'Maybe' representative of uncertainty or doubt in the middle and at the extreme other end stands 'No' which conveys firm nonbelief.

The range is from Absolute Belief to Absolute Non Belief with Lack of Belief somewhere in between the two poles.  


  1. This spectrum of belief seems a fair way to indicate the intensity of belief. I wonder if another spectrum might also be useful: one that indicated the quality of "faith," with properly grounded faith at one end and gullibility at the other. (I haven't worked out what might lie between the two ends.) The spectrum might apply to belief in a particular matter or it might describe an individual's general attitude. I think we have all met people who seemed to have a strong, properly grounded faith and people who seemed to be gullible (quick to believe something without proper grounds for doing so.

    1. What an interesting concept and one which I will note for future conversation. You have understood where I would like to see our online conversations head, and possibly provide an educational component.
