Saturday, October 19, 2013

LABELS SUCK - Metanarrative, Postmodernism

Seriously, terms slurp and labels suck, but we speak with them so I must deal with them, usually to define them before we can carry on normal conversation.
Metanarrative, there’s one, a slurp. It means a grand story or the big story. The Bible may appear as a collection of unrelated stories among a select nation, yet a comprehensive appraisal suggests the Bible is God’s self revelation to the world through a chosen people who experienced God and so give meaning to life as well as define what is true.
Postmodernism, there’s another one, a label. Postmoderns do not believe in metanarratives. They contend that there are no grand stories which convey meaning to life and which define what is true. Postmodernism is a philosophy that says absolute truth does not exist. Typically, postmoderns deny long-held beliefs and maintain that all perspectives are equally valid. In fact, postmodernism rejects absolute truth, and accordingly discards the Bible. In postmodernism, all religion is abridged to mere opinions. Can an opinion get you to heaven?

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