Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Saviour of The World - Da Vinci’s Painting - SOLD

Today, Nov 15/17, just hours ago in New York, Leonardo da Vinci's 'Salvator Mundi,' (Saviour of the World), the artist's portrait of Jesus Christ painted in 1505; was sold for $450.3 million at Christie's, the world record amount for art sold at auction; to an undisclosed buyer. Salvator himself remains freely available.

Friday, November 3, 2017

A Word to the World - A Tiny Compendium

A Word to the World: Nothing is more deleterious to human relations than humans themselves. Nothing damages human spirits more than does human heartlessness. Nothing ruins relationships more than does frivolous human speech. Nothing imperils human survival more than humanity's own cold-hearted egocentricity. Nothing has killed more humans than humans themselves.

A Word to the World: We global humans are exquisitely intelligent and diverse creatures but appallingly we have such ingenuous parochial worldviews that we cannot grasp that we are ONE remarkable, intelligent human genus of biped being, each of whom deserves identical respect and compassion.