Sunday, April 20, 2014


Weather, food prices, fossil fuels and instability are all linked. There are droughts in Russia, Ukraine, China and elsewhere, and floods in Australia, Pakistan and other countries that have made prospects look dim for this year’s harvest for a number of agricultural commodities. This has led to stockpiling by unprincipled despotic leaders and companies. Oil prices have gone up and prices for commodities like wheat and grain have spiked. In Sindh province, almost one quarter of children under five are malnourished while 6% are severely underfed.

People in these life-threatening conditions are not in reflective mode but in survival mode. They merely live this hour to survive to the next. If people have enough to eat and enough money to purchase other necessities, they may have the luxury of occasionally thinking about life, being contemplative and they may try to make sense of human existence.
People in every culture are looking for an adequate explanation for the origin of human life and the purpose for humanity and the destiny of humanity on earth or in the galaxy. How did life begin and why do we live and what happens when we die?

We are important to ourselves but in the grand scheme our personal identities are specks. Here today and gone tomorrow is an old adage. We each have personal and individual lives and questions pertaining to them. Today I want to provide to you with a glimpse of how the Bible answers such questions. I believe that the Bible is the only adequate explanation. This will be the Bible’s explanation for all the large questions of life. Yet I want to encourage you now to understand that your life on this planet at this time is of greater consequence than a speck of dust or a dot or a blip on the screen. God cares about you. God? Yes God.

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