Monday, April 7, 2014


When you examine the attributes of God as they are cited in the Bible, you are convinced that there is nothing that God needs. If there is nothing that God needs, it is appropriate to say that he didn’t need humanity and he doesn’t need us. Yet he chose to fashion the anthropoid, the human creature, uniquely different from everything else that he created. The deciding difference being, that he created the human to reflect His image, the divine likeness in a corporeal form, a human body. How these could coexist, God’s image and human body, was going to be proven in time.

The description of the origin of earth time is found in the book of beginnings, Genesis and there in Genesis 1:1-2 we learn that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” In the first 25 verses there is a sequence of creative events on successive days, each of which God approves with the words, “It is good.” And at the conclusion of that string of five days God had fashioned a planet, the earth, framed within a universe of planets and stars. A terrestrial globe with oceans and lakes and rivers teaming with aquatic life, and fields, forests and jungles alive with creatures that crawl, run and swing, and skies filled with birds and insects. It was a sustainable eco-system, perfect. It was good.

On the sixth day God made our kind, our species, and that description is found in Genesis 1:26-27. Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness … so God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.’” Again God called it good. Humanity shared the likeness of God in terms of life and innocence and purity and communication. It was good.

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