Saturday, April 12, 2014


God never intended to reform society when it went wrong within a few generations. He determined to redeem humanity. Interesting concept. Why redemption? Going wrong incurred penalty, the loss of relationship with God and the forfeiture of life. Resource data, the Bible, informs us that to accomplish said redemption, he sent his divine Son. Not as a swat team commander or warrior king, but as a human baby he came. Fully human, he identified with humanity. His deity remained unaltered. He was God in a human body. He grew up, matured, and never went wrong. He did not deserve the penalty. He should not die. He was innocent. However, the divine plan scripted that this supernatural son came specifically for this purpose, to die on behalf of all the other wrongdoers. That is, his death would count as the full payment for the transgressions of everyone else who ever lived on planet earth. The proviso being, faith. 
John the Baptist became a prophet commissioned to prepare the minds and hearts of ancient people for the disclosure of humanity’s saviour. As soon as he saw Jesus, John said to the bystanders, “Look, this is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29-340).

The divine formula is that when sin is removed from infected people, their hearts become pure. It was true in first century Palestine and it is true here today. The offer continues. Place faith exclusively in the one who carried human guilt as a substitute, and you will be safe, saved, and have relationship with God that is eternal.

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